Thank you, we look forward to seeing you in your class!
We can’t wait to learn with you.
Please ensure you are prepared with an awesome training kit
Classes can be very distracting, so make sure you pack things that your dog absolutely loves.
Dog on a flat collar or walking harness* - no check chains
6-foot lead* - I would suggest a cotton blend lead, not nylon
Treat bag - you will need to have your treats on you at all times and have easy access to them
A bag to put it all in
*Items can be purchased from Learners On Lead, pending stock availability
Yummy treats, soft, smelly real food cut into small pieces - cooked sausage, BBQ chicken, raw mince etc.
Something for your dog to chew on if they need to be distracted for a period of time - The Pet Treat man at the Farmers Markets has great chewy treats!
Sturdy, sensible shoes - you will not be allowed to train in sandals or thongs
Hat, sunblock and insect repellant
Water for yourself - water is supplied for the dogs
Note pad and pen to jot down notes on what we did in class, what you need to practise and any pearls of wisdom
you learnt during that session
Poo bags
Tug toy - no squeakers
A mat (station) for your dog
Water bowl for your dog (optional)
I know this seems a lot but being prepared and having everything you need will help you achieve so much more in your classes.
For more, check out my video on You Tube where we go behind the scenes and look at what I pack in my own personal training kit!